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Monday, January 23, 2012

Woolly Companions...

I like to write about new friends of mine, they are still a bit shy, but we are getting to know each other slowly. For months we have been looking at a rather shaggy meadow, neither myself nor my husband have managed to tidy it up over the last few months.
We are surrounded by organic fields, which are shared by horses, cows and sheep. It is the latter, we have now taking care of our disastrous meadow. Yesterday evening, our neighbour, Ross, has brought them through the hedge with the help of a yellow bucket and his most distinct 'sheep call' mmaaaaahhhh, maaaahhh....

One after another squeezed through the hedge, my son highly excited, jumped up and down, closed the poly tunnel and held bravely onto his fathers hand, fascinated by the new woolly mowing machines. Shy as they are, they welcomed the new juicy bushels of grass, but always watching the house out of the corner of their eyes. They didn't forget that they've been chased out of this garden more than once in the past years...

All the time I've been sitting in the living room, crocheting a jumper with gorgeous Noro wool for my little fellow, watching the sheep. My husband had gone off picking up our daughter, when I heard one sheep calling out and one by one left the juicy heaven to return into their own field. First I thought they got scared by some hammering noises up the road (they are very fleetly) or perhaps they just got to suspicious. My son was highly disappointed that they had gone, he wanted to surprise his sister.

Nonetheless, this morning, at ten o'clock I saw them one by one popping through the hedge into the garden again, enjoying a feast ever since. They love the brambles and ivy growing in the hedge. They had gone back into their field to sleep, at 9 o'clock this morning they very laying around the single hawthorn tree, waiting for the sun to touch the green grass... Our children will be delighted!